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  • libbyjhawkes

6 Movies I Could Watch Over and Over Again

Updated: Sep 1, 2022

These are among my favorite movies. They are all easy to watch and leave you feeling uplifted. I have seen these movies at least three times each and will watch them again. Unfortunately not all of them are readily available on my current streaming services at the moment, but they all have a tendency to come and go at least on Netflix. If you're looking for a cute date night or something to watch with your family (older kids) these movies never fail.

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty


This movie really resonated with me as someone who tends to live in my own daydream. Ben Stiller plays Walter Mitty, a film developer who works for a major magazine who is preparing to publish their last print before going completely digital. The transition to digital will leave many laid off. As Walter watches a large chapter in his life close he is sparked to go on a wild adventure after there is a mishap with the magazine's last cover photo. This movie has something in it for everyone from comedy, romance, to a little fantasy. Although the storyline seems heavy I always finish the movie with a sense of enlightenment and wonder. Even if the story doesn't seem to be your vibe I would watch just for the scenery and soundtrack.

Legally Blonde

Prime Video

This amazing movie was introduced to me by my mom and I have been addicted ever since. Reese Witherspoon has been telling us about amazing stories through her Reese's book club yet she doesn't often mention this amazing story (movie) she starred in. This movie is for every girl who felt they had to be tomboy to be tough, or pretend they hated pink to avoid "being like other girls'". Elle Woods is a true strong, feminine, female lead who ends up following her ex boyfriend to law school. Although she starts out a little boy crazed, her character development is off the charts even though she never changes her true girly heart. This movie is a must see with laughs, romance, and a good lesson.

The Road to El Dorado (Very Problematic Native Representation)

Rent on Prime

This movie is an underrated gem. Two Spanish scam artists set off on a wild adventure to find a city made of gold. Once they made it to the city they got mistaken for gods. The hilarious journey is filled with wild adventure and enchanting fun. This movie is great to watch with older kids but is also a hit with a more mature group. I'm always surprised at the quality of art and animation, making it a true masterpiece.

This movie romanticizes colonialism plain and simple. By making the main religion in the film "evil" the main colonizer characters where able to save the tribe from themselves, demonizing Native cultures. The idea of "saving" Native communities has often been used to justify colonialism and cultural geocide. I have enjoyed this movie but it is important to recognize the way this movie has romanticized horrendous parts of history by rewriting it from a fictional yet heavily inspired perspective. This movie also mashes Native cultures together and sexualizes its native female lead, these have both been popular negative trends in Western media.

The Emperor's New Groove (Some Problematic Native Representation)


By far the most hilarious Disney movie out there, The Emperor's New Groove is a similar underrated gem to The Road to El Dorado. After Kuzco the emperor accidently gets turned into a llama he ends up on a wild adventure to return to his castle. During his journey he learns how to be a better leader. This movie has some amazing musical numbers and humor for every age group. I’ve played this movie at family get-togethers, and mature (or as mature as my early 20’s friends can be) parties and it has never disappointed.

Similarly to The Road to El Dorado Disney has taken inspiration from many Native communities rather than accurately representing one. Disney also has a habit of de-humanizing characters of color by either turning them into a more myth than human (Ex. Soul and Peter Pan both) or by blatantly turning them into animals. Disney has turned white characters into animals as well but the trend is a lot more common among characters of color. Although this movie does turn its main character into a animal they also keep a character of color on screen (Pacha) to help balance this out and maintaining representation at all times. This movie has some negative or just false representation of Native communities to be aware of but it is much better than the previous in this aria.

Enola Holmes


This adorable Sherlock Holmes spin off is a perfect one of a kind story. I found this movie completely wholesome and uplifting to watch. Millie Bobby Brown stars as Enola Holmes Sherlock's younger sister. After Mrs. Holmes disappears her daughter must solve the mystery. This movie has many strong female voices and a beautiful mother daughter bond. Although this movie has a female target audience, my Dad also enjoyed the quirky adventure proving its universal entertainment.

Spiderman Into the Spider-Verse


Although this movie is not nearly as underrated as the first 5 it will live up to every raving review you have heard. This action packed superhero movie has set a new standard for animation. Even though this movie takes place in marvel's multiverse you don’t have to have seen a single marvel movie to understand and enjoy this story. I also found this movie easy to follow despite taking place in a multiverse setting. There are many Easter eggs for marvel fans but the majority of jokes cater to a broader audience. If you are looking for an action packed adventure try giving this movie a shot (even you non marvel fans).



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